Water Coolers/ Water bottle delivery

Solar Salt Crystals Delivery

Filteration Products and Supplies


Water Coolers

Water coolers come in 2 different types cold or  hot/cold.  The cold coolers dispense room temperature and cold water.    The cold/Hot coolers dispense cold and HOT water hot enough to make your soup or hot coffee in the morning.    You can either rent them by month or you can purchase. We have bottle water delivery for our coolers also.

Water Softener Salt Crystals

Our solar salt water softener crystals are a 99.6% pure and a natural choice for treating your hard water. It minimizes accumulation tank residue and is recommended for use in all water softeners.

Solar salt2

Next Steps...

If you are wanting a quote on any of our equipment / services for  home or commercial give us a call at 785-336-2273